Angular : Mastering Custom Directives and Pipes

Angular is a popular front-end development framework that provides a variety of tools and features to build robust web applications. One of the essential features of Angular is the ability to create custom directives and pipes, which allow developers to extend the functionality of HTML elements and components. In this blog post, we will explore…



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Angular is a popular front-end development framework that provides a variety of tools and features to build robust web applications. One of the essential features of Angular is the ability to create custom directives and pipes, which allow developers to extend the functionality of HTML elements and components.

In this blog post, we will explore the concepts of custom directives and pipes and learn how to create and use them in Angular applications.


Custom Directives

Custom directives in Angular are used to extend the HTML element’s behavior and add custom logic to it. It is a powerful tool that enables developers to create reusable components and add dynamic behavior to the HTML elements. There are two types of custom directives in Angular, Attribute directives and Structural directives.

Attribute directives are used to change the appearance or behavior of an element, such as adding a tooltip, styling, and others. Structural directives, on the other hand, change the structure of the HTML elements, such as hiding or showing elements based on certain conditions.


Creating Custom Directives

To create a custom directive, you need to use the ng generate directive command in the Angular CLI. This will create a new directive class that you can customize to fit your needs. In the directive class, you need to define the selector, and specify the behavior in the class methods.

For example, let’s create a custom attribute directive that adds a red border to the element it’s applied to. Here is the code:

import { Directive, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[appRedBorder]'
export class RedBorderDirective {

  constructor(private el: ElementRef) { = '1px solid red';


In the code above, we define a directive called RedBorderDirective and use the selector [appRedBorder] to apply it to HTML elements. The ElementRef class is used to access the DOM elements, and the nativeElement property is used to add the red border to the element.



Pipes in Angular are used to format data before displaying it to the user. Angular provides several built-in pipes for formatting numbers, dates, and others, but developers can also create custom pipes.

Creating Custom Pipes

To create a custom pipe, you need to use the ng generate pipe command in the Angular CLI. This will create a new pipe class that you can customize to fit your needs. In the pipe class, you need to define the transform method and specify the behavior in the method.

For example, let’s create a custom pipe that changes the text case to uppercase. Here is the code:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  name: 'uppercase'
export class UppercasePipe implements PipeTransform {

  transform(value: string): string {
    return value.toUpperCase();


In the code above, we define a pipe called UppercasePipe and use the name uppercase to apply it to data in the HTML template. The PipeTransform interface is used to implement the transform method, which is used to convert the data to uppercase.


Variour Problem Questions with Solution Related to Pipes and Custom DIrectives:

How to use a custom directive in Angular?

Solution: Custom directives can be used in Angular by defining the directive using the @Directive decorator and using the selector to specify where the directive should be used in the HTML. The directive can be imported into the component where it is needed and used as an attribute in the HTML.


How to pass data to a custom directive in Angular?

Solution: Data can be passed to a custom directive in Angular by using the @Input() decorator to bind a property in the directive to a property in the component. The directive can then access this data and use it to dynamically update the DOM.


How to create a custom pipe in Angular?

Solution: Custom pipes can be created in Angular by defining a pipe class with the @Pipe decorator and implementing the transform() method. The pipe can be imported into the component where it is needed and used in the HTML using the pipe operator (|).


How to pass parameters to a custom pipe in Angular?

Solution: Parameters can be passed to a custom pipe in Angular by including them after the pipe in the HTML, separated by a colon. The pipe can then access these parameters and use them to dynamically transform the data.


How to debug a custom directive in Angular?

Solution: Debugging a custom directive in Angular can be done by adding console logs to the directive code and using the browser’s developer tools to view the logs. Additionally, Angular provides a set of debugging tools, such as the Augury and Batarangle extensions, that can be used to debug directives.


How to test a custom directive in Angular?

Solution: Custom directives can be tested in Angular by creating a test component that uses the directive and writing test cases that check the behavior of the directive. The test component can be set up using the TestBed class and the test cases can be written using the Jasmine testing framework.


How to debug a custom pipe in Angular?

Solution: Debugging a custom pipe in Angular can be done by adding console logs to the pipe code and using the browser’s developer tools to view the logs. Additionally, Angular provides a set of debugging tools, such as the Augury and Batarangle extensions, that can be used to debug pipes.


How to test a custom pipe in Angular?

Solution: Custom pipes can be tested in Angular by creating a test component that uses the pipe and writing test cases that check the behavior of the pipe. The test component can be set up using the TestBed class and the test cases can be written using the Jasmine testing framework.



Custom directives and pipes are essential components in Angular that allow developers to extend and manipulate HTML elements in a more efficient and effective manner. With the use of these techniques, Angular applications can be optimized, keeping the code neat and clean while also adding more functionality to the project. Whether you’re looking to build more interactive user interfaces, enhance the performance of your Angular application, or just streamline the development process, creating custom directives and pipes is a must-have skill in your Angular toolkit.

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