Python – How to Get the First Key in a Dictionary

In this article, we will discuss different methods to access the first key in a Python dictionary. There are several methods to access the first key in a Python dictionary. Let’s discuss four of these methods:   Method 1: Using the next() Function The next() function is a simple way to access the first key…



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In this article, we will discuss different methods to access the first key in a Python dictionary.

There are several methods to access the first key in a Python dictionary. Let’s discuss four of these methods:


Method 1: Using the next() Function

The next() function is a simple way to access the first key in a dictionary. The function takes an iterator as an argument and returns the next item from the iterator. You can use the iter() function to create an iterator from the dictionary’s keys.

def first_key(dict_obj):
    return next(iter(dict_obj))

sample_dict = {'apple': 1, 'banana': 2, 'cherry': 3}
result = first_key(sample_dict)
print("First Key: ", result)


Method 2: Using the iter() Function

Another method to get the first key is to use the iter() function directly, without the next() function. This method requires converting the iterator object to a list and accessing the first element.

def first_key(dict_obj):
    return list(iter(dict_obj))[0]

sample_dict = {'apple': 1, 'banana': 2, 'cherry': 3}
result = first_key(sample_dict)
print("First Key: ", result)

Method 3: Using list() and Indexing

You can also use the list() function to convert the dictionary keys into a list and access the first element using indexing.

def first_key(dict_obj):
    return list(dict_obj.keys())[0]

sample_dict = {'apple': 1, 'banana': 2, 'cherry': 3}
result = first_key(sample_dict)
print("First Key: ", result)


Method 4: Using Dictionary Views

Dictionary views provide a dynamic view of the dictionary’s keys, values, and items. You can access the first key using the keys() method, which returns a view object.

def first_key(dict_obj):
return next(iter(dict_obj.keys()))

sample_dict = {'apple': 1, 'banana': 2, 'cherry': 3}
result = first_key(sample_dict)
print("First Key: ", result)

Performance Considerations

When choosing a method to access the first key in a dictionary, it’s important to consider time and space complexity.


Time Complexity

All the methods discussed above have a time complexity of O(1) for accessing the first key as they require only one operation.


Space Complexity

Methods 1 and 4 have the lowest space complexity, as they don’t create additional data structures. Methods 2 and 3 create a list from the dictionary keys, resulting in higher space complexity.



In this article, we explored different methods to access the first key in a Python dictionary. We discussed their performance considerations and use cases. Depending on your requirements, you can choose the most suitable method from the ones presented in this article.

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